
Showing posts from June, 2024

Short Stories, Drabbles & Flash Fiction

  Only Murders In My Mind is an excellent podcast available on YouTube where the three co-hosts discuss everything about being an author. It is accompanied by a blog that includes further articles to support the podcast and also a series of writing prompts, in the form of photographs, to encourage budding writers. I've always wanted to write something but the thought of a novel, or even a novella scares the life out of me so, I thought I'd have a go at some of the set prompts. Some have an extra challenge to meet an exact word count I've included the original prompt photo along with the word challenge for each story and would be interested to hear what you think. The podcast can be found here and the blog here The co-hosts back catalogs can be found on their Amazon author pages Liz Hedgecock Carol Bissett Mike Jackson   Challenge 1 - No word limit They say that the pen is mightier than the sword and what happened in the classroom today was certainly not how I’d interpreted