The Portal Keeper by ST Sanchez

The Keeper Archives Book 1
S.T. Sanchez
5 Stars
Pages: 330
Publisher's Blurb
A mysterious portal, which opens at dawn and closes again at dusk, is located deep in the woods and kept secret from the vast majority of the people who inhabit the kingdom of Rastella. Only a few are aware of its existence and fewer understand the confusing prophecy that accompanies it.
Now, Ajax Maxwell, who is approaching his 14th birthday and has been in training for the past 2 years, is preparing to fulfill his family’s legacy by becoming the next keeper.
But Ajax is afraid. He’s worried that he won’t live up to the expectations placed upon him and will let down his family, like his brother Axel did when he took over from their father and then promptly disappeared.
When the prince of Rastella comes to visit for the first time, accompanied by Ajax’s childhood friend Nivara, it doesn’t take long for things to go wrong. In an accident, the prince falls into the portal and Ajax knows that it’s up to him to go and get him back.
With the knowledge that nobody who has entered it has ever returned, Ajax and Nivara go through the portal to try to save the prince. But what Ajax finds inside, and what he discovers about the prophecy, will test him to his limits.
Fourteen year old Ajax Maxwell is the new guardian of the mysterious Portal that exists in the local woodland. Ajax is charged with protecting it from anyone seeking to pass through.
When Ajax is visited by the crown prince and his betrothed, Ajax’s childhood friend, they are plunged into a battle for their lives when he accidentally causes the prince to fall through the portal.
Aimed at the younger end of the YA market, The Portal Keeper is a fun adventure with strange creatures in another realm that speeds along at a frantic pace. The characters are nicely defined and the plot keeps the readers interest throughout.
I’m reminded of bits and pieces of Enid Blyton’s Magic Faraway Tree, the Piers Anthony Xanth series and a smidgen of Bilbo Baggins in a fantasy adventure that features Elves, Shapeshifters and Dragons.
I was born in Dallas, Texas. I love Texas. The weather is crazy, but the people are friendly. I graduated from the University of North Texas with a BA in Spanish. Mexico is my second home. My husband is from Mexico, and I have family down there. I love the culture, the people, and of course the food. I have three wonderful children and I love hiking and spending time outdoors when I am not writing.
Fantasy is my preferred genre to write in. There are no limits in fantasy beyond my own imagination. Anything can happen. Sunwalker is my debut novel. It is a YA Vampire novel. The first in a trilogy. Nightwalker, book 2, was just released in May 2018. I also just released a MG Fantasy novel entitled the Portal Keeper, in October 2019. Darkwalker the third and final installment of The Sunwalker Trilogy is set to be released in December of 2019.
A Penny at a Time is my first non-fiction attempt. It is a step by step process on how to get out of debt, mainly focusing on changes one can make to pay off their house quickly. However the principals taught can be used to pay off other debt, such as medical bills, credit cards bills, student loans, etc.
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