Jumbo: The Most Famous Elephant Who Ever LIved - Alexandra Stewart


Jumbo: The Most Famous Elephant Who Ever Lived

Author: Alexandra Stewart

Illustrator: Emily Sutton

Rating 5 Stars


48 Pages

Publisher's Description


This is a delightful book for both kids and adults which weaves the tale of Jumbo the elephant around delightful full colour illustrations depicting the life and journeys of this most famous of pachyderms

This is the kind of book i would've loved as a child - the true story from the 19th century really resonates today when elephants are more protected. 

The book fully earns its 5 stars just for the illustrations alone and coupled with the well told tale it is one of the best children's books I've seen in a while.

My review is of a copy of the book owned by one of my family


Alexandra Stewart read Modern History at Oxford University before training to be a journalist. After working as a reporter on a number of newspapers, she crossed the floor to become a press officer for the Metropolitan Police and, later, Central Government. She subsequently worked as a speechwriter. Alex lives in London, UK, with her husband and two children.


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