
Showing posts from October, 2024

Flash Fiction - Fifty Fifty

Fifty / Fifty  Six Sentence Story Linkup Prompt Word : Wire Beads of sweat are forming on my forehead, running down through the gap between my eyebrows, down my cute button nose and then dripping onto my hands as I sit hunched over the improvised explosive device nestled in the corner of the room. I’m receiving instructions over the short wave radio from an expert but it is difficult to think straight when the timer that is strapped to the ten pounds of Semtex is continually counting down the seconds I have left to deactivate the mechanism “I’ve got a bunch of wires, two blue, one green and at least three red ones that all run from the timing device to various connections on the device”. “Find the wires that are linked to the detonator, it’s likely to be a small silver disk with just a couple of connections and one of them will <<static>> you’ll need to cut that one. “Say again” I replied, “you’re breaking up, do I cut the red or the blue wire?”